
Showing posts from May, 2022

Public Policy 11


Franklin Roosevelt is sometimes considered the first "modern" president because of the massive expansion in the power of the state under his administration. Although other Cabinet departments had been added to the government such as the Department of Agriculture created by Lincoln, the Department of Commerce in 1903, and the Department of Labor created during the Wilson administration, Roosevelt drastically increased the power of the president by enlarging the personal staff of the president, creating the first chief of staff and many other positions. Of course, FDR's importance is also guiding the U.S through the Great Depression and World War II, where it emerged as a global empire. After FDR was elected for a completely unprecedented four terms, many began to fear the growing power of the President. The 22nd Amendment was introduced in 1947 and ratified in 1951, explicitly limiting the number of terms a president could serve to two–or a maximum of 1

Public Policy 10

The environmental movement is relatively recent. Knowledge of climate change, or recognizing the existence of climate change, is as much a political choice as it is about "knowing the facts," which of course 99 per cent of scientists regard climate change as a man-made phenomenon. Globalization definitely has a big impact on climate change and global warming. Since economic growth has always been a cause of urbanization, as people leave the rural country and migrate to cities looking for work, globalization has brought with it a tremendous growth of urbanization worldwide, especially in countries like China, India, Brazil, South Korea, Russia, and many other cities worldwide. If you look at a list of  cities  by population, NYC does not even make the top 25. At least, according to the limits of the city proper, the "metropolitan area" is much larger, the metro area being defined by both the city area and surrounding areas linked to the urban core by industry, infr