Public Policy 9

Education is another important area of public policy. People have long argued the education system is a crucial component of maintaining a class system. Simply put, the elites get educated the poor do not, for the most part. The sociologist Pierre Bourdieu coined the term "cultural capital" to speak of how education is used as a form of power. Cultural capital can be defined as: " the collection of symbolic elements such as skills, tastes, posture, clothing, mannerisms, material belongings, credentials, etc. that one acquires through being part of a particular social class." From this point of view, schools and universities then serve to instill this collection of symbolic elements in students. Again, those who do not possess, learn, or appropriate these elements are at a significant disadvantage in society. Cultural capital instills a certain kind of "habitus" (another of Bourdieu's terms), or basically certain kinds of social habits. Acquiring and...